The Champion

What do the words omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent have in common? They have the word omni of course. Duhh. Meaning “ALL“. For those who never knew, these words mean All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and All-Present. And it is most often used to describe God. Simply because God has all the power, He knows everything, and He is everywhere at once. For me, this is actually pretty hard to understand, grasp, or even accept. What is All Power? All? Every Power? Most Powerful? I once did a post about how big the word infinite is. What is Infinite Power? Unlimited ammo? Unlimited Mana? Overpowerful? Is He really able to do ANYTHING? From my pondering, I THINK I’ve found a way to describe all these All’s.

Key word is undefeatable. His Omnipotence refer to an undefeatable Power. Nothing can overrule Him. Nothing can overrule His actions. No one can undo what God has done. No one can do what God has done, better than He did. He is THE Top on the Power Pyramid. It is an undeniable power. He will never lose in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Just like His Knowledge. Omniscience. It is so undeniable, so real, that we cannot doubt it. We cannot say that He misunderstood. It cannot be anything other than the Truth. And He has an undefeatable presence. No darkness can drive Him away. No matter how far we run from Him, we cannot outrun Him. No distance, no fall, no temptation, no evil, nor sin can defeat God’s presence. No presence can have more weight than His. The ultimate heavyweight champion of champions. The Unlimited.

You know, those are already so hard to understand, yet there is still one more ‘all-‘ that I feel is the hardest to understand: Agape. All-Loving. Not that God loves everything, including sin. No, it is a fondness, a care, an intimacy, an affection, a devotion towards. So it is not meant for any action. It is meant for us, the sinner. Not the sin. God has an unlimited love for me and for you. I find it hard to understand God’s undefeatable love towards us. It seems a bit too crazy and a bit too extreme. I mean seriously, I can think of three very real ways people can lose love for someone. Even parents can lose love for their child. Firstly, actions. The most direct, yet the least effective among these three. Then there’s time. Yes time can make us love someone less. And lastly, there’s knowledge. How do you love someone you don’t know? And how do you love someone you haven’t experienced? Sounds like love is very defeatable. How can God be All-Loving? I don’t even know Him. I’ve run away. I’ve sinned a lot. I’ve sinned a little. I’m ashamed. I’m not interested. I’m too busy for God. I’m doubtful. I’m a hypocrite. I prefer another religion. I’m not spiritual. I’m too spiritual. I choose to ignore God. I’m a failure. I don’t even care anymore. I’m proud. I haven’t prayed. I never pray. I don’t want to try. I’m too broken. I’m hopeless. This is me. This is you. How can God love this? How can God even stand to look at me? Why would God love me? Can God’s love really defeat all that I’ve done? Can God’s love really defeat all that I am? Can He love me despite of this wreck and mess that I am? Can He???

Lord, Your word says that You are Agape. All Loving. Can nothing defeat Your love for me? I have given You every reason to hate me. I feel like I‘ve defeated Your love for me. Help me understand that I cannot defeat Your love, Your grace, Your goodness.

Though I don’t understand fully yet, I just want to say God, thank You, for being THE Champion Lover. Undefeated. Forever in a row.